Residential Developments
We have worked on many of the major housing developments in the Drogheda and Dublin area in recent years, including Deepforde (Dublin Road), Five Oaks (Dublin Road) and Knightwood (Matthews Lane, Drogheda).
One-off Housing
Projects include:
Mounthanover, Duleek, Meath
Naul Hill, Naul, Co. Dublin
Garveystown, Termonfeckin, Louth
Oldtown, Co.Dublin
Some of the Commercial developments we have been involved in include Wogans Build Centre Retail and Warehousing, Dixons International Transport Head Office and the Medical Centre, Ardmell (Drogheda).
Hamilton Park Nursing Home
Knockcommon National School
Scribbles & Giggles Creche, Knighstwood
Mill Bank Creche, Rush
Cuddles Creche, Deepforde