J. Murphy Developments Ltd – Residential

“We have been working with DR Consultants for almost 10 years now on several large residential and commercial developments. They look after our Planning Applications, Civil and Structural works, Fire & Disability Certificates along with Assign Certifier Roles and general local on-site queries. David is a pleasure to deal with and always responds in a professional and efficient manner.
We would be more than happy to recommend DR Consultants to any prospective clients…”

Michael Murphy
Director J.Murphy Dev Ltd.

More Projects

  • Residential Developments
    We have worked on many of the major housing developments in the Drogheda and Dublin area in recent years, including Deepforde (Dublin Road), Five Oaks (Dublin Road) and Knightwood (Matthews Lane, Drogheda).
  • One-off Housing
    Projects include:
    Mounthanover, Duleek, Meath
    Naul Hill, Naul, Co. Dublin
    Garveystown, Termonfeckin, Louth
    Oldtown, Co.Dublin
  • Commercial
    Some of the Commercial developments we have been involved in include Wogans Build Centre Retail and Warehousing, Dixons International Transport Head Office and the Medical Centre, Ardmell (Drogheda).